Services Offered

Resolve WiFi Issues

The reality is, you can buy the fastest fibre connection available, but if your WiFi is not properly designed and set up, you will not get the experience you are expecting. A single router may not provide a reliable WiFi connection in a home or office mainly because of three reasons: Limited Coverage: A single

Website Development

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) globally, and for good reason. Here are a few reasons why WordPress is an excellent platform for building any type of website: Ease of Use – WordPress is easy to use, even if you don’t have any technical knowledge. Users can easily add pages,

Network Deployment

From the design phase right through to the implementation, we can design, build and deploy any sized network. Whether you have a small home-lab setup, or a network spanning continents, no project is impossible. We will assist in sourcing last-mile connectivity to each of your locations, and integrate your own in-house VPN allowing for all

Open Source Consulting

If you want to free yourself and/or your business from the limitations and high costs of traditional software, we can assist you. We have a step-by-step process already developed, allowing you to switch one or a few products at a time. We offer support and training on a wide range of Open-Source software packages, whether

Server Administration

Linux is the ideal choice for servers, at home, in the office, or at the data center, because it is a free and open-source solution. But it is not only suited to just Servers but Desktops as well. Some examples of Linux based Solutions: LAMP: Linux/Apache/MariaDB/PHP. This is the de facto standard for any web

E-Waste Processing

Did you know that to manufacture one laptop using only raw materials, 1200kg of the earth is dug, and almost 200 000 liters of water is used in the mining process? The resulting CO2 output staggers in at 330KGs. And that is just the average for one laptop. By recycling just one laptop, you reduce

Who are ZAKSWeb?

ZAKSWeb is owned by GypsyWolf Trading, a husband and wife duo. Under the trading name ZAKSWeb, we offer a wide range of services from website development to brand development, as well as wired and wireless network design and deployment. Residential and corporate infrastructure management including Linux server administration and automation. Whatever your need, we carry 25+ years experience with the technical training to back it up.


Mission Statement

To provide an unmatched service without cutting corners. A complete refusal to supply or install inferior products. To advise the client on varied options that include a degree of future proofing the installation. To treat all warranty based support with the highest of urgency. To ensure the client always gets the best solution and the best service. To only use suppliers who provide the after sales assistance, backed with product expertise.