E-Waste Processing

Did you know that to manufacture one laptop using only raw materials, 1200kg of the earth is dug, and almost 200 000 liters of water is used in the mining process? The resulting CO2 output staggers in at 330KGs. And that is just the average for one laptop.

By recycling just one laptop, you reduce the consumption of water greatly, as well as the amount of CO2 produced. And the same applies to mobile phones, TVs, PC’s, Servers, and so on. Even cabling. Many of these electronics that we end up tossing in the bin contain a fair amount of precious metals that can be easily recycled.

It is important to recycle e-waste for a number of reasons:

Environmental Protection: Electronic devices contain numerous toxic materials such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and flame retardants. These elements can cause severe environmental damage if they are not disposed of properly. For example, lead and mercury can seep into soil and water sources, polluting food chains and causing health problems for humans and animals. By recycling e-waste, these harmful materials are separated from the environment and disposed of safely.

Conservation of natural resources: Electronic devices contain various valuable metals such as gold, aluminum, and copper. Recycling e-waste reduces the demand for mining and extraction of these resources and minimizes the environmental damage associated with the process. Recycling also helps to extend the lifespan of these valuable materials, reducing the need to extract new resources.

Energy Savings: Reprocessing used electronics requires less energy compared to manufacturing new electronic devices from scratch. It takes less energy to recycle an electronic device than it does to extract and process the materials required to create a new one. Energy savings helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimize the overall carbon footprint.

In essence, e-waste recycling highlights the symbiotic relationship between man and the environment. It is essential to protect our environment from harmful pollutants that may contribute to climate change, water pollution, and other environmental challenges while conserving valuable resources, curbing global warming, adopting sustainable practices, and promoting economic growth.

Make contact and we can arrange to collect. If you are not in the Durban area, we can help facilitate arrangements to get the e-waste to our premises for processing or help you find an e-waste processing service near you.

Optional Hard Drive destruction service is available on request with photographic evidence.