Network Deployment

From the design phase right through to the implementation, we can design, build and deploy any sized network.

Whether you have a small home-lab setup, or a network spanning continents, no project is impossible. We will assist in sourcing last-mile connectivity to each of your locations, and integrate your own in-house VPN allowing for all your sites to be connected to the office without the need for additional software.

Examples of projects we can undertake:

Office Network: A network within your single office, with or without usage regulations and an optional guest WiFi allowing your guests to have access to the Internet but not your confidential business devices.

Multi Office Network: A network that spans multiple sites, all connected as if they were in one building.

Multi-Tenant Network: A single large Internet connection that is divided up to your specification between multiple tenants. This can be in a office block or in a multi-dwelling residential setup.

Rural Connectivity: No square inch of South Africa is out of reach. If we can’t connect with fibre, we can use carrier grade microwave or satellite linkups.

Mobile Connectivity: We can install WiFi inside a moving vehicle, such as a bus, taxi or motor vehicle.

Housing Estate / Apartment Building: We can deploy a fibre or microwave network that you own, allowing the body corporate or site owner to have the option for additional revenue.

Home Office: In these modern times, we have come to realise that we can indeed work from home. We have a wide offering of turnkey and custom solutions allowing your staff to have two networks in their home, one for personal / famiy use, and one that is connected permanently to the main office, carrying both the data and voice. These networks, while sharing a single last mile connection, are completely isolated from each other.

If you simply need boots on the ground, we also subcontract to other companies to run their cables and fit their equipment. When we work for you, we wear your hat and present ourselves to your client as though we were your staff.